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U of M Extension forester to teach free property tax class for forest landowners Oct. 26

U of M Extension forester to teach free property tax class for forest landowners Oct. 26

University of Minnesota Extension forester Mel Baughman will teach a free class on property tax relief for forest landowners Tuesday, Oct. 26, at the Roseville Library, 2180 North Hamline Ave., Roseville.

Two identical sessions will be held, the first from 3 to 4:30 p.m. and the second from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Participants need only attend one session.

Developed for family forest landowners, the class will provide up-to-date information on new laws that provide lower property taxes on forest land meeting certain qualifications. Three sets of laws will be explained: the Rural Preserve Program, the new Class 2c Managed Forest Land Classification, and the Sustainable Forest Incentive Act.

Participants will learn whether their land is eligible, advantages and disadvantages of each program and how to apply. The class is particularly helpful if landowners own more than 10 acres of woodland previously enrolled in the Green Acres Program or part of an agricultural homestead, or more than 20 acres of woodland in any other property tax classification.

Classes are free, but pre-registration is required, either via telephone, 651-328-0463 or email, Provide the participant's name, contact information, and which session he/she will attend.

For more information on class content, visit and click on "Legal and Financial." For more information on Extension trees and woodlands programs, visit

The class is sponsored by University of Minnesota Extension, the Minnesota Forestry Association, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Forest Stewardship Program and the Southeast Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnership.